Our Team


We are investors, innovators, and founders on an unapologetic mission to break barriers and take Black wealth to the next level.


Emilia Ndely-Ogundipe, President

I love learning new things every single week, especially from such a talented diverse group of Black people.

Alexia Richardson, Vice President

What I enjoy most about NGC is being able to learn from my like minded peers and friends, all marching towards the common goal of creating a legacy through generational wealth.

Anthony Gnakadja, Secretary

NGC fosters camaraderie, promotes a positive learning environment, and renders complex collaborative investments that would be unattainable individually.

Rodney Egwim, Finance

I love NGC because everyone shares the same vision and is dedicated to the mission.

Courtney Siffre, Philanthropy

I love NGC because of the way the team cares about my professional growth.

Cynthia Assam, Compliance

I love being a part of NGC because of the connections I'm forming with brilliant Black professionals who share the lofty goal of building wealth for our families and community.

Damola Ogundipe, Syndicate Liason

I love analyzing opportunities and using our different perspectives to come to a conclusion.

Fese Epie, Co-Investor Relations

I love the time spent every week learning new ways to build wealth with like minded people.


Erin McClendis, Marketing

I love being a part of NCG because I have seen the amazing things that we can achieve when we combine our talents, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for our goals of advancing black wealth!

Karl Sona, Co-Investor Relations

What I love most about NGC Capital is proactively collaborating with other brilliant minds to actively overturn the generational wealth gap that exists for minorities in America today.